

專輯:All The Stars and Boulevards(星光大道)


★超級製作人Brendan O’Brien(Red Hot Chili Peppers、Aerosmith、Korn)掌舵




身兼主唱、鋼琴、吉他手職務的Dan Layus,於美國伊利諾州大學求學時期,為了一圓音樂美夢而組織起樂團,並放棄繼續就學機會前往加州另尋搖滾夢,原始貝斯手團員Simeon Lorhmann卻選擇完成學業而離開。2004年Dan重新組織起Augustana,包括:主奏吉他手Josiah Rosen、貝斯/鍵盤手Jared Palomar以及鼓手Justin South共四位大將。正式成軍沒多久,他們優異表現很快贏得主流大廠一紙合約,速度之快著實讓急於被發掘的後起新秀羨慕不已。

登陸熱門潛力榜Top20的首張專輯《All The Stars And Boulevards》,請來搖滾界鼎鼎大名超級製作人Brendan O’Brien(Red Hot Chili Peppers、Rage Against The Machine、Aerosmith、Korn)掌舵並加寬Augustana搖滾深度。厚實鼓聲勾引出開場曲〈Mayfield〉,轉入吉他流暢音頻導入,Dan真假音轉換不花俏且自然表露,動聽打開樂迷雙耳;毫不在意隨性演唱方式於〈Hotel Roosevelt〉中有著相當戲劇性演出;首波招牌曲式〈Boston〉,伴入悠揚簡單鋼琴聲調,Dan相當討喜嗓音譜進,猶如英國Keane/基音樂團遇上Coldplay/酷玩樂團的巧妙結合;換上吉他與鋼琴共鳴的〈All The Stars And Boulevards〉,陷入Augustana令人無法轉移注意力的美麗音樂圖像之中;敘述一段傷感男女情愛韻事的〈Sunday Best〉,卻以柔軟舒緩搖滾曲調包裹,誠如醒在一個慵懶微溫星期日早晨般自在。Augustana取之平衡的帶出擁有流暢旋律以及勁道十足節拍,讓你對搖滾樂有著深刻記印以及耐人尋味聆聽觸感。

首波主打歌曲 Boston(波斯頓)

Augustana - Boston歌詞

In the light of the sun,

Is there anyone?

Oh it has begun...

Oh dear, you look so lost,

Eyes are red

The tears are shed,

This world you must've crossed.

You said,

You don't know me,

And you don't even care, oh yeah,

And you said,

You don't know me,

And you don't wear my chains, oh yeah.

Essential yet appealed,

You carry all your thoughts

Across an open field,

Where flowers gaze at you,

They're not the only ones

Who cry when they see you

You said,

You don't know me,

And you don't even care, oh yeah,

Well you said,

You don't know me,

And you don't wear my chains, oh yeah.

She said I think I'll go to Boston.

I think I'll start a new life.

I think I'll start it over, where no one knows my name.

I'll get out of California, I'm tired of the weather,

I think I'll get a lover and fly 'em out to Spain. Oh yeah well

I think I'll go to Boston.

I think that I'm just tired.

I think I need a new town, to leave this all behind.

I think I need a sunrise, I'm tired of Sunset,

I hear it's nice in the summer, some snow would be nice, oh yeah.

You don't know me,

And you don't even care, oh yeah,

Boston, where no one knows my name,

Where no one knows my name

Where no one knows my name, yeah.

Boston, where no one knows my name.

在Lucas & Brooke主演的「Hotel Roosevelt」Augustana演唱「Laley」

Sunday Best


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